Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, November 9, 2009

Baby Sunday Update

I finally learn how to use Kyle's scanner and was able to post all of the ultrasound picture we have had!!! The first on is at 6 weeks and 0 days, when we first saw our bundle of JOY and had the heart beat for the first time.

6 weeks and 0 days
The next picture is at 8 weeks and 5 days! This was "graduation day" from the fertility specialist, Dr. Valdes. A bittersweet kind of day, Kyle and I have grown to love everyone in the office so much. It is so nice when you walk into the office and you are the last patient in a LONG line waiting to be checked in. Then they see me and say...."Mrs. Sunday, go ahead to the back." My nurse was so help for the past 10 months and Dr. Valdes is a WONDERFUL doctor!!!! But it is an AWESOME thing that I am finally able to see an OB-GYN for a pregnancy and NOT just of a well women exam! At this appointment I was also able to stop taking some of the medication that was necessary for IVF. I was taking 5 medication a day and now I am only taking 2, my thyroid medication and a simple pre-natal vitamin!!! So now I do not have to carry that stupid pill box around with me!!! YEA for that! We also were able to hear the heart beat again and it was a RAPID 170 beats per minute!!!
8 weeks and 5 days!!
The next picture is my very first ultrasound with my OB-GYN, Dr. Klein!!! The picture is not that good, because it was on his portable ultrasound machine. But we saw the baby move for the very first time!! It was wonderful seeing the baby move 2 arms and 2 legs! I feel so lucky to be doing so well. At this appointment I also was sick. For the past week I have had a horrible cough and congestion. I even had to stay home from work for a few days. Being pregnant and sick really takes it out of you..I had no clue.

10 weeks and 0 days!!

Overall, I am feeling pretty good. I have not thrown up yet but I do get nauseated throughout the day, off and on. I will start keeping everyone more up date on Baby Sunday 2010, now that I can use the scanner with no problems...I might even start participating in "Flashback Fridays!" I have some very fun pictures from a long, long time ago!

Love, Redmama....that is what Kyle has called me as long as I can remember!


  1. YEAH! So loving this post! Sounds like you and baby are doing wonderfully, couldn't be more happier for you!

  2. I want to just cry because I remember looking at Ava via sonogram pictures and just thinking "It's SO beautiful" and she just looked like an alien! LOL! I'm SO incredibly happy for y'all!!!! ENJOY EVERY minute of it because baby Sunday will be born before you know it and then you'll forget what it's like to be pregnant! (Seriously - I can't remember and it kind of makes me sad!) LOL! YEA BABY SUNDAY!

  3. It is about time! I have been holding out for an update for many weeks now! Seems like pregnancy is already flying by for you guys. I couldn't be more excited for your journey. Congrats again!
